John Bowe (ed): Gig: Americans Talk About Their Jobs
Gail Simone: Birds of Prey
Sarah Vowell: Take the Cannoli
Howard Zinn: People's History of the U.S.
Okay, so I've been a bit defensive about my watching American Idol recently, but it really is as simple as this - I enjoy watching the show with my friends on Tuesday nights, I enjoy discussing the results with my friends after Wednesday, and I get a kick out of Stack's recaps at TWOP. This week's recap was especially fun.
My roommate has been giving me a hard time recently for the amount of TV I watch (it's worth pointing out that she watches almost as much as me, but that's inconsequential). But while I really do enjoy a lot of shows, I only watch TV for specific purposes - even the more random stuff I enjoy, like Iron Chef, has a lot of motivation behind it (in Chef's case, my fascination with chefs and the work they do). I rarely turn on the TV and turn off my brain - my brain has a strong line of reasoning for all of the choices it makes. And I'm not ashamed of watching American Idol - it's a stupid show, but it's something I enjoy sharing with other people. Which makes the experience worth it.
I don't like watching a ton of TV - the only times I really indulge are when I'm physically sick or seriously depressed, and in those situations it's more like medication than anything. Otherwise, I like the glowing box to be a part of my life, but not a large part. Two to three hours of TV is enough for me in any given day. And that's only during the summer, when I have the time to give it.
I'm going to start keeping a log of how much TV I do watch, though, because maybe my roommate does see something I'm missing. These days, though, I spend more time staring at the computer than at the TV.
Not that that's any healthier.
Well, at least the remote doesn't make my hands cramp. *g*