John Bowe (ed): Gig: Americans Talk About Their Jobs
Gail Simone: Birds of Prey
Sarah Vowell: Take the Cannoli
Howard Zinn: People's History of the U.S.
-After about a week of searching, I have found the shampoo/conditioner of my dreams. My hair is not only fresh, but vibrant!
-Roommate's birthday is tomorrow, and her mother sent her the Buffy season 2 DVDs! We gorged on commentary last night. Joss is such a god.
-I got a call about a potentially very cool (PAID) internship that I'll be interviewing for next week. I'm trying very, very hard not to want it, because that path leads to doom.
-I actually got, like, 80 pages into The Corrections. I'm feeling very proud of myself. I don't know if I'll keep on reading, but I seem to have gotten over that weird too-many-words hump, which is good.
-Heard back from Savant Mag, the comics journal to which I submitted an essay a while back -- and they like me, they really like me, and I'll be seeing something of mine up with them soon, apparently. Which is cool. (The E-I-C even stopped by here, so everyone wave!)
-I went shopping and I bought yummy fruit to eat. So now, instead of eating something fattening before dinner, I can go have a banana or a clementine. Mmm, banana.
-New Farscape tonight! MUST remember to tape.
So concludes this entry. Nothing much exciting happens in my world - but the little victories are cool.